Occupational Therapy

Occupational Therapy focuses on bringing the child to the best level of functional performance in both home and school settings. Occupational therapy can help in improving gross and fine motor skills, sensory processing, postural control, balancing responses, visual-motor integration, handwriting, and activities of daily living. Intervention starts with an assessment using clinical observations and standardized testing.

Various therapy approaches are implemented to maximize function. Our fully equipped Sensory Integration gyms are used to accelerate your child’s development.


SIPT stands for Sensory Integration and Praxis Test. This test evaluates sensory processing deficits related to learning and behavior problems. The SIPT measures visual, tactile, and kinesthetic perception as well as motor performance. It is composed of 17 subtests.

The SIPT test is a comprehensive and standardized test and it can specifically delineate processing challenges which may be contributing to difficulties in learning or behavior. Furthermore, in some cases it is useful to prove to insurance companies the need to provide occupational therapy services.

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We provide SIPT testing with a SIPT-certified occupational therapist.

OT Assessment

We provide Occupational Therapy screening and assessment in a sensory integration framework.

The assessment process includes an interview and questionnaire for the parents, and an observation session with the child. In the session, various standardized tests are used to measure the strengths and weaknesses of the child. The assessment is then summarized in an optional written report, which is used as a baseline for an intervention process.

In the assessment the Occupational Therapist assessing at these areas:
  • Visual Motor Integration and Visual Perception Skills
  • Fine and Gross Motor Skills
  • Sensory Processing
  • Motor Planning and Motor Coordination
  • Handwriting Skills

The assessment tools will be determined by the therapist according to the child’s age, abilities and parents’ concerns.

In some cases, Occupational Therapy (OT) Assessment is used by schools to determine whether a child can be exempt from handwriting and use a notebook computer instead.

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